SMITE 2 Account Linking Instructions & FAQ | Hi Rez Studios Help Center (2025)

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SMITE 2 Account Linking Instructions & FAQ

SMITE 2 Account Linking Instructions & FAQ

How to link your SMITE 1 and SMITE 2 accounts

Updated yesterday

Switch Players: Before proceeding, you will need to link your Switch account to a PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, or Epic Games account here:

Learn more about SMITE 1 Account Linking here.

Step 1: Link Your SMITE 1 Account for Divine Legacy Rewards

  • Important: This action is permanent. Ensure you're on the correct platform before linking. This will typically be the platform you have played SMITE on the most, or have the most progress.

  • Open SMITE 1 on the platform you have the most progress on, or spent the most gems on.

  • Go to the "Divine Legacy" tab on the left side of the in-game lobby menu.

  • Click and hold "Link Account" to connect your SMITE 1 account to the platform you are using.


STEP 2: Link your SMITE 1 and SMITE 2 Accounts (Optional)

  • Visit the SMITE 2 linking site at

  • Log in to the platform that you linked to Divine Legacy in Step 1 (the SMITE 1 account you use the most).

  • Then, connect the platform you will play SMITE 2 on or have already played SMITE 2 on.

STEP 3: Set your Primary Account

  • To ensure all progress and purchases are shared across linked platforms, you must set a Primary Account. Your Primary Account is your main account for SMITE 2 cross-progression. Progress and purchases will sync across linked platforms based on this account.

  • If you have played SMITE 2, select “Primary Account” for the platform you play SMITE 2 on.

  • If you have NOT played SMITE 2 yet, select “Primary Account” for the platform you linked in Step 1.

STEP 3: Link Additional Platforms for Cross-Progression (Optional)

  • This will enable you to use your SMITE 2 inventory on all linked platforms.

  • Note: Do not change your Primary Account away from the one you initially chose, even when playing on a different platform; all progress and unlocks are stored on that Primary Account.

STEP 4: Purchase a SMITE 2 Founder's Edition (Optional):

  • Buy a Founder's Edition on your chosen platform.

  • Each edition offers unique rewards, such as exclusive skins for both SMITE 1 and SMITE 2.

  • Note: You will be able to access the contents of the Founder's Edition on all platforms that are linked.

By completing these steps, your accounts will be linked, allowing you to enjoy cross-progression and exclusive rewards in SMITE 2.

1. What is a Primary Account, and why does it matter?

  • Your Primary Account is your main account for cross-progression.

  • Past progress and purchases on this account will be shared across linked platforms.

  • Progress and purchases will not sync across linked platforms until you select a Primary Account.

  • All future progress and purchases will be stored to this Primary Account, but linked accounts are not merged to the Primary Account.

  • Any progress on other linked accounts will not be lost, but will be hidden; your progress and purchases on your Primary Account will be visible on all platforms.

  • WARNING: If you unlink an account or disable a Primary Account, your account may return to its original state prior to linking or selecting a Primary Account.

  • For example:

    • On Xbox, let’s say you are Level 2 and unlock Thanatos. On PlayStation, you are Level 10 and Thanatos is not unlocked.

    • If you select PlayStation as your Primary Account on the account linking page, you will be Level 10 on Xbox with access to all the content unlocked on your PlayStation account, but you will not have Thanatos unlocked.

    • Moving forward (with PlayStation as your Primary Account), any new progress or unlocks made on Xbox will transfer to PlayStation.

    • If you unlink your Xbox account or disable your PlayStation account as the Primary Account, you will then be Level 2 on Xbox with Thanatos unlocked.

3. Can I link accounts on multiple platforms?

Yes, you can link accounts from different platforms, like PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. This will “share” your items and inventory like Gods and skins from your Primary Account to those platforms. Note: Do not change your Primary Account away from the one you initially chose.

4. What rewards do I get for linking accounts?

There are no rewards for linking your accounts. However, linking external accounts allows you to receive external rewards like Twitch Drops. Linking your SMITE 1 and SMITE 2 accounts allows you to receive Divine Legacy rewards.

5. Do I need to buy the Founder's Edition to link accounts?

  • No, linking is free.

7. Does linking Accounts merge my accounts?

No. SMITE 2 does not support account merging.

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SMITE 2 Account Linking Instructions & FAQ | Hi Rez Studios Help Center (2025)


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